
Had bought my Globe Tattoo Mobile Broadband at 895!

By Miong Pelimon - Monday, September 14, 2009

I have bought my Globe Tattoo mobile broadband earlier at Ayala Center Cebu for 895 pesos! Yup, its a limited edition that will run until October 31, 2009. It's surprisingly low than the regular prize of 1,895 pesos. Maybe the're making themselves competent to the other available mobile internet modules like Smart Bro and theres another from Sun Cellular.

This is just right for me since I do most of my internet needs in the office abd just an little time at home. So instead of paying higher on regular monthly bills, i think it is more wiser to have this kind of option otherwise it will fail.

Before i had purchased this gadget, I have make sure that the area where I am going to use it more often must have that enough signal strength to accomodate my internet needs or I might end up wasting resources for these.

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