A Halloween Special Cosplay designed by CANE events, 'Satin Eclipse' -The Darkness is Rising at 12 noon happening at Parkmall Cebu, October 30-31, 2009. Cosplay, Photo Exhibit and Fashion Show in One Event.
Individual Cosplay Guidelines
1. There will be no entry limit for the Individual Cosplay event. There is a deadline for the registration and anyone who registers before the deadline is included to the official list of Individual Cosplay participants.
2. Cosplay registration for the SATINE ECLIPSE Individual Cosplay event will be both online pre-registration and on-site/at-con registration.
3. The online pre-registration will be done through the Cosplay.ph Cosplay Pre-Registration Page.
4. Pre-registrants who fail to confirm their registration from 10am-1pm on Oct 31, 2009 the organizers has the right to forfeit their slots and will be given to on-site registrants.
5. Individual Cosplay participants are only allowed to have a maximum of two (2) human props.
6. Participants will be given name tags that must be worn at the event venue at all times.
7. Individual Cosplay participants are not qualified to join the Group Cosplay event even as a cameo role or as a prop.
More Informations here: http://www.caneevents.com/