If we are to put our selves in the shoes of the average low to medium wage earners in our country we would know the real condition of what are their struggles as they strive daily going work, budget challenges paycheck to paycheck and tries to beat inflation at the end of the day. Others might think these majority are doing okay, in fact, Yes but it could be better. It is where our chosen leaders and their appointed agencies should go in and "help"
The ideal script could have been be, they're their above the mass to formulate ways on how to improve our living standard, eliminate as many as they can those hindering our betterment and execute plans that are for the common good. Of course we're here to help and support them to whatever executions good for everyone.
Considering the views on the sugar-sweetened beverages tax reform, I really do hope that we did the right thing to analyze this reform, discuss the advantages and examine the disadvantages as well. Well I saw the effort and proof of research in the media but are we really ready to embrace it? Specifically down here at the masses where a couple of peso matters to the next grocery item that we'll buy at the sari-sari store, palengke or the suking tindahan.
I really appreciate though that this Senate-proposed excise tax excludes milk, 100 percent natural fruit and vegetable juices, meal replacement beverages, unsweetened tea and coffee, this is makes me comfortable. Same also with the House excise tax version where it excludes milk, 100 percent natural fruit and vegetable juices, meal replacement beverages, and yogurt and fruit flavored yogurt beverages.
We are ready to understand that we are doing these reforms because it is for our own good, to increase our nations capability in terms of revenue which follows our nation's improved public service, betterment of the society as I may see it as a whole.
A simple ender to this words of thoughts, We hope that we wont forget the reason why we're doing this, which is to Help our People.

The ideal script could have been be, they're their above the mass to formulate ways on how to improve our living standard, eliminate as many as they can those hindering our betterment and execute plans that are for the common good. Of course we're here to help and support them to whatever executions good for everyone.
Considering the views on the sugar-sweetened beverages tax reform, I really do hope that we did the right thing to analyze this reform, discuss the advantages and examine the disadvantages as well. Well I saw the effort and proof of research in the media but are we really ready to embrace it? Specifically down here at the masses where a couple of peso matters to the next grocery item that we'll buy at the sari-sari store, palengke or the suking tindahan.

I really appreciate though that this Senate-proposed excise tax excludes milk, 100 percent natural fruit and vegetable juices, meal replacement beverages, unsweetened tea and coffee, this is makes me comfortable. Same also with the House excise tax version where it excludes milk, 100 percent natural fruit and vegetable juices, meal replacement beverages, and yogurt and fruit flavored yogurt beverages.
We are ready to understand that we are doing these reforms because it is for our own good, to increase our nations capability in terms of revenue which follows our nation's improved public service, betterment of the society as I may see it as a whole.
A simple ender to this words of thoughts, We hope that we wont forget the reason why we're doing this, which is to Help our People.