We are Experiencing Water Supply Issue but Can't Complain
Three years ago, a power utility application is approved at MCWD for a subdivision unit as a requirement to occupy the real estate investment. A special waiver is also signed as a requirement for the application telling the status of water supply in the area and that we are warned for the possible low pressure of the water supply. The waiver must be done to proceed the application, the situation must be temporary and MCWD should be looking for a solution to it, the document was signed. It went well for the first two years but fast forward to late 2019 and this year, the water supply has declined that it come to a point that we wake up in the wee hours of dawn to catch when it wants to shed drops of liquid to our emptying pails and buckets.

The water supply crisis is one of the top concern in our community and it is all over the social media and in our own community FB groups. When we saw these posts in facebook, we then conclude that we are not alone in this problem. It is a community problem, but who's to blame? Who are the responsible?
Water Supply Issue Scenario Online
Here are some social media posts from the neighborhood (with anonymity) sharing their experiences with MCWD services, some show their frustrations, some find ways to keep their cool with funny paradoxes while others simply looking for the irregular utility service that they are subscribed to and billed regularly.

The following facebook posts shows a homeowner trying to ask the community in a form of a survey if their water supply is back to normal.

While this fellow finds a way to capitalize on the water supply crisis to promote what he/she selling.

What went wrong?
MCWD, what went wrong?, we are not complaining but are just looking for the services that we are entitled to and paid regularly? Your water utility subscribers are here to help if you need it, we understand that its everyone's concern. Here's a small suggestion to get started. At work, when we have problems to solve and tasks to made, we develop a tool to keep a clear view of what's going on. We develop a R-A-C-I chart or matrix.
A RACI chart is a matrix of all the activities or decision making authorities undertaken in an organisation set against all the people or roles. So a role is assigned to somebody as:
R - responsible
A - accountable
C - consulted or
I - informed
see sample chart from teamgantt.com

By doing so, we should be able to solve the water supply crisis, the Cebu City government and the board at MCWD should religiously make a similar chart above and assign their associates to act as RESPONSIBLE, ACCOUNTABLE. While valued experts and strategist to be CONSULTED, rest of the involve stakeholders especially the MCWD subscribers like us to be INFORMED. We can do it!
We are Experiencing Water Supply Issue but Can't Complain posted at Cebu Events Blog