Translate your Cebuano Dialect into other International Language.
By Miong Pelimon - Tuesday, April 27, 2010

To date, Internet gives an aprroximate 6000 spoken Language around the world. Across continents from North America, South America, Europe, Africa, Asia, Australia and Antartica. These languages have different origins and totally different from each other. In order for us to have constant Agreement and Understanding around the globe. The need for Tanslation is highly in demand. We need words or articles from other countries be undestandable in our place that's why we need Entities to Translate these informations it maybe a few words or millions of words so that it would be clear to involve parties before signing or agreeing on it.
We have already formal education about language now. Teached in every Schools and Universities. But we need Translators that could suffice our needs to deliver sound translation at ease. You may be a big company or you have just started business, you could walys rely on translation works from trusted entities that are visible in the market in time. Translia is among of them. I can translate up to 3- languages and several local dialects, but not the 600o more.